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Therapy is a journey that may begin with trying different providers to determine what best suits your unique needs. I encourage you to spend time getting comfortable with identifying what is more important for you. I utilize my treatment modalities and experience to help you develop more agency and clarity in navigating the challenges of your life. These modalities range from a brief solutions-focused approach to more long term options such as psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy.

An effective therapeutic relationship should be honest, welcoming, and challenging. Sessions may involve a variety of topics. Some will be easy to explore and others may emerge only after working through surface level issues. Over time, we explore and identify areas of your life where you may feel stuck. People often have intimate understandings of their lives and the challenges embedded within them. Waking Wisdom is about utilizing those personal insights and my own clinical skills to develop healthier and more engaged ways of living.

50 min hour therapy session |  $185

75 min initial assessment I $225

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Clinical Supervision

For clinical supervision, we will explore a variety of clinical social work needs as you continue advancement towards licensure. These range from managing burnout, ethical conflicts, and formulating a clinical impression. Supervision sessions will involve taking a deeper dive into the complexity of clinical cases as well as the broader contexts of clinical social work such as how to apply a social justice lens to your professional practice. This is an opportunity to develop both clinical skills and professional skills in a supportive environment as you seek licensure.

60 mins |  $150


Navigating wellness in the pandemic

A message from me regarding how to navigate wellness needs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic